Why Imagic Solution

At Imagic Solution, we are focused on meet our customers' requirements for Information Technology. We help customers envision and shape their growth around the key drivers of technology, productivity and cost-effectiveness. There are some key factors to choose Imagic for your business needs.

  • 9500 + Weighbridge Software Installed on Field Successfully.
  • 50 + Weighbridge Automation + RFID Project Implemented Successfully.
  • Since 2005 in Market in Same Field, vast experience in IT and Automation for Weighing Industries.
  • Qualified Employee.
  • Wide range of IT services.
  • Vast Experience for Weighbridge Integration with Various ERP, SAP, MS Navision, Sage, Oracle etc..
  • Highly skilled manpower.
  • Large customer base across Gujarat and ever increasing offshore clients.
  • Authorized Vendor for various IT services in Government of Gujarat.
  • Supply Software in India, Nepal, Kenya, Shri Lanka, Doha, Dubai, USA, Australia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Congo, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, SURINAME, South Africa, Bahrain, New Zealand, etc..
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